
Jubilant Money aims to help close the Black-white wealth gap, but we know everyone can use support reaching their financial goals. With that in mind, we compiled some helpful resources that anyone can access to help pay down debt, get financial coaching, and save for the future.

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  • Greenpath Financial Wellness- national 501(c)3 that offers free financial coaching and debt counseling services.

    Women's Money Matters- national 501(c)3 that offers free group-based financial education services for low-income women.

    MOSAIEC - is a 501(c)3 that offers free financial coaching for college students and specializes in supporting students enrolled at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs), and Predominantly Black Institutions (PBIs)

  • Rolling Jubilee Fund - is a 501(c)4 dedicated to debt cancellation and public education

    RIP Medical Debt - a 501(c)3 strengthening communities by abolishing financial burdensome medical debt

    Dollar For - is a national nonprofit that crushes medical bills by helping patients access charity care. We empower patients and advocate on their behalf.

    National Foundation for Credit Counseling - a 501(c)3 - a financial advocate, that makes it easier and more convenient for you to regain control over your debt, no matter how much you owe.

  • BankOn - is a platform designed to connect consumers to safe, affordable bank accounts and hosted by Cities for Financial Empowerment

    Mighty Deposits- analyze public data so you can see what any U.S. bank or credit union invests in so you can find a bank aligned with your values.

    Free From - hosts a savings match program that is a trust-based savings program supporting survivors of gender-based-violence